Donate PPE Today!


PPE Needs Assessment

If you are a healthcare clinic or hospital and you are in need of PPE,
please fill out our Needs Assessment form.
This assessment allows us to ensure that we are matching our production
and donation to those in need.

PPE Fundraiser

We need your help to raise funds for the materials required for face shield production, in addition to distribution costs for all of our PPE materials.

Just $2 can produce a face-shield! Donate today!


PPE Drive

Our organization has created 8 regional teams in Northern Ontario that canvas existing personal protective equipment (PPE) from dentists, salons, construction companies and others, to redirect them to healthcare facilities in need.

We have teamed up with the Northern Supply Chain to ensure that we are targeting not only local needs in each area, but that larger donations are distributed to facilities who are at risk of a shortage within the next 10-14 days.

As much as possible, donations stay local. Larger donations may be redistributed depending on the critical need for PPE to neighbouring communities in Northern Ontario.

We are looking for donations of the following items:
surgical masks
surgical gowns
hand-sewn masks
hand-sewn gowns
N95 masks
baby monitors
walkie talkies
face shields
+ more!

To donate your materials please submit the following form
One of our team members will be in contact with you shortly.

To see which providers in your area are in need of items, check-out the interactive map below.
**Map created by Find The Masks

#MakeTheList Campaign

The Northern Ontario #PPEforHCP Campaign in collaboration with the Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre, Vince Mirabelli and Jacqueline Savage challenge Thunder Bay Business to donate their PPE to #MakeTheList and help our frontline healthcare workers.
Donate disposable gloves, respiratory, dust masks, N95 masks, surgical masks, eye protection and more!

PPE Hand-Sewn Masks

For information on becoming a sewer see our presentation and information package.
For healthcare providers using hand-sewn PPE see our FAQ document.
To donate you sewed PPE products please submit this form.

Hand-Sewn Donation Info (pdfs)